Culverhouse Speaker Series
Scholars and researchers from around the world visit the Culverhouse College of Business. Hear from world-renowned economists, faculty, and more!
The Culverhouse College of Business maintains two speaker series devoted to encouraging interdisciplinary efforts to deal with complex research problems.Intra-Campus Collaboration Series
The college will host talks by colleagues from one or two other University of Alabama colleges each semester that are intended to:- Expose Culverhouse faculty members to research that is being executed by our colleagues across campus
- Expose our colleagues across campus to research that is being executed by Culverhouse faculty members
- Facilitate Culverhouse Faculty members’ engagement in interdisciplinary research with our colleagues across campus
Inter-Campus Collaboration Series
The college will host talks by two high-profile colleagues from other universities each semester. Speakers invited to the Culverhouse College of Business should have broad appeal and be able (in addition to giving an outstanding public talk) to provide our faculty with ideas/motivation/inspiration with regard to cross-disciplinary research (or would perhaps consider engaging in such research with members of our faculty). We can bring in two speakers per semester who are not coming to campus for job interviews, and we will rotate among the disciplines in the following manner:- Odd Numbered Academic Years (i.e., 2019-2020, 2021-2022, etc.)
- Fall Semester – Management Information Systems, Management
- Spring Semester – Finance, Statistics
- Even Numbered Academic Years (i.e., 2020-2021, 2022-2023, etc.)
- Fall Semester – Economics, Operations Management
- Spring Semester – Marketing, Accounting
EXTERNAL 2019-2020 Academic Year
Dr. Hee Lee, Associate Dean for Research, Endowed Academic Chair in Social Work, and Professor and Dr. Javonda Williams, Associate Dean for Educational Programs and Student Services, and Associate Professor
Interdisciplinary Research and Academic Collaborations: Planning for Future Direction
Where: Bidgood 310
When: Friday, September 9th, 2019 from 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Who: All are invited to attend
What: Join us for a visit from Dr. Hee Lee, Associate Dean for Research, Endowed Academic Chair in Social Work, and Professor and Dr. Javonda Williams, Associate Dean for Educational Programs and Student Services, and Associate Professor. Drs. Lee and Williams will speak on ways that the College of Business faculty could work with the School of Social Work faculty on research and education initiatives.
About Dr. Lee
Dr. Lee is responsible for guiding faculty and students in their research efforts and overseeing the OSWR. Her primary areas of interest and expertise are behavioral health, community-based participatory research, dissemination and implementation research, health disparities, health information technology, immigration health care, mental health, and rural health.
View the presentationNancy Lutz, Program Director for the Division of Social and Economic Science at the National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation: An Inside View
Where: Bidgood 310
When: Friday, September 13th, 2019 from 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.
What: Join us for a visit from Nancy Lutz, Program Director for the Division of Social and Economic Science at the National Science Foundation. Dr. Lutz will speak on the NSF’s “Big Ideas for Future Investment” initiative.
About Dr. Lutz
Dr. Lutz is in charge of the Economics Program in the Division of Social and Economic Sciences and is currently also a member of the coordinating committee for NSF’s Science and Technology Centers Program. Her responsibilities include coordinating the review process, making funding recommendations, and participating in the development of new NSF initiatives.
Before joining NSF in 2007, she was an Associate Professor of Economics at Virginia Tech. She earned her Ph.D. from Stanford Graduate School of Business and was an assistant professor at Yale before moving to Virginia Tech.
Earlier in her career, she was the first Visiting Scholar at the Federal Trade Commission, where she consulted on antitrust policy and on a variety of issues in regulatory economics. Her research focuses on information issues between firms and buyers, particularly in product warranties and business format franchising and has been published in the RAND Journal of Economics and the Review of Economic Studies
Deborah Compeau, Hubman Distinguished Professor of Information Systems in the Carson College of Business at Washington State University
Business-IT Partnering as Sociomaterial Sensemaking
Where: Alston 20
When: Friday, November 22nd, 2019 from 11:30 P.M. – 12:00 P.M.
What: Join us to hear Dr. Deborah Compeau, the Hubman Distinguished Professor of Information Systems in the Carson College of Business at Washington State University discuss the adaptation of Business-IT into an organization’s processes.
Business-IT partnering has long been associated with successful IT enabled organizational transformation and its constituent elements: the development, project management and successful implementation of information systems. We develop and deploy a new lens on Business-IT partnering to examine how these groups navigate the changes in routines and technologies and the associated learning that must be mutually undertaken to achieve transformation.
We create a new theoretical lens – sociomaterial sensemaking – based on the study of a longitudinal (2.5 year) organizational transformation effort across 10 healthcare organizations participating in the development and deployment of 4 connected technologies. The sociomaterial sensemaking lens allows us to observe the ways that IT and business people de- construct and reconfigure the imbrications of routines and technologies that contribute to the transformation.
We draw conclusions and implications about how Business-IT partnering occurs, why and when it occurs in particular ways and how the tasks of altering imbrications and actualizing affordances are related. Our results suggest that Business-IT partnering during transformation should be understood and managed as collective activities that co-construct imbrications of new routines and technologies as instantiations of key elements of organizational transformation.
About Dr. Compeau
Deborah (Debbie) Compeau is the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research and the Hubman Distinguished Professor of Information Systems. Prior to joining WSU, she held faculty positions in Canada at The University of Western Ontario (2000-2015), University of Calgary (1998-2000), and Carleton University (1991-1998). Her research focuses on the interaction between people and information technologies (IT) in organizations. Her specific interests include user training and learning and the adoption and implementation of IT.
Recent projects have focused on adoption of IT in healthcare settings. Her research has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and the European Journal of Information Systems as well as other journals and has been recognized by Lowry et al. (2007) (“Assessing Leading Institutions, Faculty, and Articles in Premier Information Systems Research Journals”, Communications of the AIS, v. 20) as among those with the highest impact.
She served as Associate Editor for Information Systems Research (2000-2002) and as Associate and then Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly (1998-2005). She has taught information systems at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, with a particular focus on IT strategy. She is an active case writer and case teacher and has conducted workshops on teaching with cases in the U.S., Canada, France, and Germany.
Dr. Kim Bissell, Professor, College of Communication & Information Sciences' Associate Dean for Research, and Director of the Institute for Communication & Information Research
A Visit from the College of Communication & Information Science
Dr. Kim Bissell (Professor, College of Communication & Information Sciences’ Associate Dean for Research, and Director of the Institute for Communication & Information Research) and Dr. Anneliese Bolland (Associate Research Scientist, Mobile Youth and Poverty Study, Institute for Communication and Information Research) will visit our college to discuss ways that College of Business faculty could work with College of Communication & Information Sciences faculty on research and education initiatives. They will give an informal talk on Tuesday, January 28 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Daniel R. Jeske, Professor in the Department of Statistics and Vice-Provost of Administrative Resolution at the University of California, Riverside
Discussion of the March 2019 Special Issue of The American Statistician on Alternatives to p < .05
Where: Bidgood 110
When: Friday, February 28th, 2020 from 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
What: Join us to hear Dr. Daniel R. Jeske, a professor in the Department of Statistics and Vice-Provost of Administrative Resolution at the University of California, Riverside discuss topics covered in the March 2019 special issue of The American Statistician
A special issue of The American Statistician, with the same title as my talk, was published in March 2019. The special issue contains 43 papers that discuss and propose alternative inference procedures that could either enhance or replace the use of “bright line” thresholds such as P<.05. In this talk, I will discuss the history and motivation that led to the special issue, and provide an overview of what I found to be some of the most interesting papers in the issue. If you are new to this debate, or want to get caught up on the recent developments, you won’t want to miss this accessible presentation!
About Dr. Jeske
Daniel Jeske is a Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), where he served as the department chair 2008- 2015. He is also the Vice-Provost of Administrative Resolution at UCR. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and served on the ASA board 2014- 2016. He is currently a candidate in the 2020 election for President of the American Statistical Association. He is the President-Elect for the International Society of Business and Industrial Statistics, one of the Associations of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and is the current Editor-in-Chief of The American Statistician.
Dr. David Hardy, Director of the Center for the Study of Ethical Development, Associate Dean for Research & Service and Associate Professor of Higher Education
A Visit from Dr. David Hardy and the College of Education
Dr. David Hardy (Director of the Center for the Study of Ethical Development, Associate Dean for Research & Service and Associate Professor of Higher Education) and other colleagues from the College of Education will visit on February 21st, 2020 as part of the Culverhouse Speaker Series. Among his colleagues are:
- Andre Denham, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology
- Stephen Katsinas, Education Policy Center Director & Professor of Higher Education
- June Preast, Assistant Professor of School Psychology
- David Walker, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
- Dylan Williams, Assistant Professor of Sport Management
David and his colleagues will visit our college to discuss ways that the College of Business faculty can work with the College of Education faculty on research, other scholarly activities, and education initiatives. They will give an informal talk on Friday, February 21 from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in 17 Bidgood Hall.
Dr. Jessica Wallace, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Science & Athletic Training Program; Dr. Erik Johnson, Assistant Professor of Economics, Culverhouse College of Business; Dr. Lingyan Kong, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management; and Dr. Dan Blakey, Associate Vice President for the Office for Economic and Business Engagement (OEBE).
Commercializing Your Research
Where: Online
When: Friday, November 13th, 2020 from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. CST
What: In this webinar, three UA faculty members will discuss the processes they went through to commercialize their research, and the UA’s Associate Vice President for Economic and Business Engagement will discuss the support his office and the university provide for commercialization of research.

Jessica Wallace
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Science & Athletic Training Program
Erik Johnson
Assistant Professor of Economics, Culverhouse College of Business
Lingyan Kong
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management
Dan Blakey
Associate Vice President for the Office for Economic and Business Engagement (OEBE)Abstracts & Biographies
Concussion is a Global Injury: Taking an Active-Learning Approach to Mandated Concussion Education
Concussion Bingo is a game-based active learning activity that was intentionally created to provide high school athletes with an alternative form of concussion education. Concussion education is now a requirement of youth, high school, and collegiate athletes participating in organized sport. In an effort to engage the learners, Concussion Bingo platform was designed to educate high school athletes that may be lacking access to health care providers such as athletic trainers. This game was originally designed and provided using Microsoft PowerPoint, computer-generated Bingo cards, and bingo markers. The tool itself utilized medical terms and facts about concussion published in medical literature. Moreover, Concussion Bingo could increase accessibility to accurate and efficient concussion education for youth and high school athletes in the state of Alabama and the United States. This tool could also be practical and commercial globally as a concussion is an injury that can happen to any athlete despite their place of origin. This tool could also be used as a tool to educate coaches, parents, and sports administrators, as well as provide a great alternative to printed materials which some individuals may have difficulty understanding.
About Jessica Wallace
Dr. Jessica Wallace is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Science & Athletic Training Program at The University of Alabama. Dr. Wallace holds degrees in Athletic Training (University of Miami), Physical Education (Univ of Central Florida), Kinesiology (Michigan State University), and Public Health/Epidemiology (Harvard University), and her research foci centers around understanding concussion in the context of health disparity and health inequity. Her community-based participatory research approach aims to build relationships and close the disparity gap.
City Detect: Predictive analytics for the public good
This project introduces a new technique to monitor the Urban environment using an automated data collection tool and deep learning models. Using complaints data on blighted properties which include both dates and code enforcement photos along with a set of control properties collected from Google Street View, I train a deep learning model to detect blighted properties. This model performs two functions: 1) it assigns a `blight score' to properties, and 2) it detects which components of the image (bad roof, plywood over windows, etc.) drive the blight score. We next collect weekly snapshots of all residential properties in the City of Tuscaloosa by extracting surveillance data from city garbage trucks. These images are useful because they are relatively high frequency and from consistent locations. This image collection, prediction, and diagnostic algorithm is very low cost relative to the current technology. We also demonstrate extensions useful for other common code enforcement violations such as overgrown grass. The blight component of this project is currently under a provisional patent status and the City and University are in negotiations regarding funding and revenue shares.
About Erik Johnson
Erik Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Economics at The University of Alabama. His research focuses on topics such as measuring industrial agglomeration patterns, valuing visual amenities in cities through the use of deep learning methods and automated street photo scraping, and how exploring support for higher education funding is affected by the racial composition of students and voters. His work has been published in the Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and presented at the NBER Summer Urban Institute, the Boston and Richmond Federal Reserves, the AREUEA ASSA sessions, and in as well as the national and international UEA conferences.
He was previously an Assistant Professor at the University of Richmond (2015-2017) and Quinnipiac University (2008-2015). He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado-Boulder (2008), and a B.S. in Economics with a minor in Mathematics from Northern Michigan University (1999).
Patenting and Commercializing Lab Research Products
In this session, I would like to talk about my understanding and experience in the steps of protecting intellectual property generated from lab research and the steps of commercializing research products. The essential criteria of patentability, types of patents, the process of filing a patent, and the process of commercializing research products will be discussed with examples.
About Lingyan Kong
Dr. Lingyan Kong is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management. He obtained his bachelor degree in Food Science and Engineering from China Agricultural University and PhD degree in Food Science from Penn State University. At UA, his research interests are to understand the structure-function relationships in food biopolymers at the molecular, microscopic and macroscopic levels, and to develop food materials of unique structures and properties for improving food quality and health benefits.
Industry Engagement and Technology Spin-offs – Pathways to Commercialization
What keeps you from working with industry partners? Do you know where or how to start? What are your biggest concerns or obstacles? Dan Blakley joined the Office for Research and Economic Development (ORED) as the Associate Vice President for Economic and Business Engagement in January 2020. His new position coincides with the implementation of the ORED five-year strategic plan. Dan will share how he and ORED can better support faculty in their efforts to cultivate strong, lasting collaborations with industry partners, as well as efforts to commercialize IP through license agreements or start-ups.
About Dan Blakey
Dan Blakley is the Associate Vice President for the Office for Economic and Business Engagement (OEBE). The mission of OEBE is to lead and coordinate economic development and outreach efforts at UA and to develop strong research partnerships with external stakeholders, especially industry, with the dual goal to increase the number of sponsored research projects and, at the same time, to create career and learning opportunities for UA students through these partnerships.
Blakley’s responsibilities include providing oversight and direction for the GulfQuest operation in Mobile, EDGE Labs, UA Center for Economic Development, and the business outreach centers, including the Alabama International Trade Center, Alabama Small Business Development Center, and the Alabama Procurement Technical Assistance Center.
Blakley has also been involved in various entrepreneurial initiatives at UA. He helped establish The EDGE and served as an adviser and mentor for entrepreneurial teams participating in Crimson Startup, a National Science Foundation funded I-Corp program. He founded American Renewable Metals LLC, a Tuscaloosa-based technology company.
He was previously city president for Regions Bank in Tuscaloosa from 2009 to 2018. His community involvement includes serving as chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama, president of the Black Warrior Council of the Boy Scouts of America, member of the Culverhouse College of Business Board of Visitors, member of the DCH Foundation Board, and an ex-officio board member of the Tuscaloosa County Industrial Development Authority Board, among others.
Blakley earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Southern Illinois University and served as a Captain in the U.S. Army from 1996-2000, where he provided nuclear, biological, and chemical support.
Concussion is a Global Injury: Taking an Active-Learning Approach to Mandated Concussion Education
Concussion Bingo is a game-based active learning activity that was intentionally created to provide high school athletes with an alternative form of concussion education. Concussion education is now a requirement of youth, high school, and collegiate athletes participating in organized sport. In an effort to engage the learners, Concussion Bingo platform was designed to educate high school athletes that may be lacking access to health care providers such as athletic trainers. This game was originally designed and provided using Microsoft PowerPoint, computer-generated Bingo cards, and bingo markers. The tool itself utilized medical terms and facts about concussion published in medical literature. Moreover, Concussion Bingo could increase accessibility to accurate and efficient concussion education for youth and high school athletes in the state of Alabama and the United States. This tool could also be practical and commercial globally as a concussion is an injury that can happen to any athlete despite their place of origin. This tool could also be used as a tool to educate coaches, parents, and sports administrators, as well as provide a great alternative to printed materials which some individuals may have difficulty understanding.
About Jessica Wallace
Dr. Jessica Wallace is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Science & Athletic Training Program at The University of Alabama. Dr. Wallace holds degrees in Athletic Training (University of Miami), Physical Education (Univ of Central Florida), Kinesiology (Michigan State University), and Public Health/Epidemiology (Harvard University), and her research foci centers around understanding concussion in the context of health disparity and health inequity. Her community-based participatory research approach aims to build relationships and close the disparity gap.
City Detect: Predictive analytics for the public good
This project introduces a new technique to monitor the Urban environment using an automated data collection tool and deep learning models. Using complaints data on blighted properties which include both dates and code enforcement photos along with a set of control properties collected from Google Street View, I train a deep learning model to detect blighted properties. This model performs two functions: 1) it assigns a `blight score' to properties, and 2) it detects which components of the image (bad roof, plywood over windows, etc.) drive the blight score. We next collect weekly snapshots of all residential properties in the City of Tuscaloosa by extracting surveillance data from city garbage trucks. These images are useful because they are relatively high frequency and from consistent locations. This image collection, prediction, and diagnostic algorithm is very low cost relative to the current technology. We also demonstrate extensions useful for other common code enforcement violations such as overgrown grass. The blight component of this project is currently under a provisional patent status and the City and University are in negotiations regarding funding and revenue shares.
About Erik Johnson
Erik Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Economics at The University of Alabama. His research focuses on topics such as measuring industrial agglomeration patterns, valuing visual amenities in cities through the use of deep learning methods and automated street photo scraping, and how exploring support for higher education funding is affected by the racial composition of students and voters. His work has been published in the Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and presented at the NBER Summer Urban Institute, the Boston and Richmond Federal Reserves, the AREUEA ASSA sessions, and in as well as the national and international UEA conferences.
He was previously an Assistant Professor at the University of Richmond (2015-2017) and Quinnipiac University (2008-2015). He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado-Boulder (2008), and a B.S. in Economics with a minor in Mathematics from Northern Michigan University (1999).
Patenting and Commercializing Lab Research Products
In this session, I would like to talk about my understanding and experience in the steps of protecting intellectual property generated from lab research and the steps of commercializing research products. The essential criteria of patentability, types of patents, the process of filing a patent, and the process of commercializing research products will be discussed with examples.
About Lingyan Kong
Dr. Lingyan Kong is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management. He obtained his bachelor degree in Food Science and Engineering from China Agricultural University and PhD degree in Food Science from Penn State University. At UA, his research interests are to understand the structure-function relationships in food biopolymers at the molecular, microscopic and macroscopic levels, and to develop food materials of unique structures and properties for improving food quality and health benefits.
Industry Engagement and Technology Spin-offs – Pathways to Commercialization
What keeps you from working with industry partners? Do you know where or how to start? What are your biggest concerns or obstacles? Dan Blakley joined the Office for Research and Economic Development (ORED) as the Associate Vice President for Economic and Business Engagement in January 2020. His new position coincides with the implementation of the ORED five-year strategic plan. Dan will share how he and ORED can better support faculty in their efforts to cultivate strong, lasting collaborations with industry partners, as well as efforts to commercialize IP through license agreements or start-ups.
About Dan Blakey
Dan Blakley is the Associate Vice President for the Office for Economic and Business Engagement (OEBE). The mission of OEBE is to lead and coordinate economic development and outreach efforts at UA and to develop strong research partnerships with external stakeholders, especially industry, with the dual goal to increase the number of sponsored research projects and, at the same time, to create career and learning opportunities for UA students through these partnerships.
Blakley’s responsibilities include providing oversight and direction for the GulfQuest operation in Mobile, EDGE Labs, UA Center for Economic Development, and the business outreach centers, including the Alabama International Trade Center, Alabama Small Business Development Center, and the Alabama Procurement Technical Assistance Center.
Blakley has also been involved in various entrepreneurial initiatives at UA. He helped establish The EDGE and served as an adviser and mentor for entrepreneurial teams participating in Crimson Startup, a National Science Foundation funded I-Corp program. He founded American Renewable Metals LLC, a Tuscaloosa-based technology company.
He was previously city president for Regions Bank in Tuscaloosa from 2009 to 2018. His community involvement includes serving as chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama, president of the Black Warrior Council of the Boy Scouts of America, member of the Culverhouse College of Business Board of Visitors, member of the DCH Foundation Board, and an ex-officio board member of the Tuscaloosa County Industrial Development Authority Board, among others.
Blakley earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Southern Illinois University and served as a Captain in the U.S. Army from 1996-2000, where he provided nuclear, biological, and chemical support.
INTERNAL 2019-2020 Academic Year
Culverhouse SEiR-F Sessions
2019-20 Sessions
September 27th, 2019 | ||
Presenter | Title | Abstract |
Peter Magnusson & Stanford Westjohn | Trust Propensity across Cultures: Effects of Individualist and Collectivist Values | Does individualism - collectivism influence an individual’s willingness to trust others? Grounded in social projection theory, we find evidence that collectivism influences an individual’s propensity to trust, mediated by a perceived collectivism consensus. Study 1 establishes correlational evidence between societal-level collectivism and individual-level trust propensity with results from a multi-level analysis of data from over 6,000 respondents in 36 different countries. Study 2 contributes causal evidence at the individual level based on experiments in both the US and China. We prime independent versus interdependent self-construal and isolate the mechanism, perceived collectivism consensus, through which one’s own collectivism value influences trust. Finally, Study 3 identifies a boundary condition and examines the extent to which values are projected onto in-group versus out-group members, and the subsequent effect on trust propensity. |
Matt Van Essen | Fair Allocations in the Assignment Problem | The assignment problem is concerned with how to best assign N different items to N different agents. It is a fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization with natural applications in economics and operations research. In this paper we introduce a "balanced price" algorithm for solving the assignment problem. We show that this algorithm essentially defines a dynamic auction for solving assignment problems when items are commonly owned. Our main result is that if bidders use "reasonable" bidding strategies, then the auction's allocation will be both efficient and envy free (i.e., fair). |
Subha Chakraborti | Control Charts for Statistical Process Monitoring in Some Nonstandard Situations | Process monitoring with control charts is considered for the balanced random effects model under normality. Our methodology takes account of the randomness of the batches, the effects of parameter estimation with retrospective data and uses the appropriate metric to design the chart. In Phase I, a Shewhart X ̅ chart is proposed and designed for a specified false alarm probability (FAP). The required charting constants are derived and tabulated. Illustrations are provided with data. Performance of the chart is examined in terms of robustness and out-of-control shift detection ability. Various generalizations and works in-progress are briefly indicated. |
October 18, 2019 | ||
Presenter | Title | Abstract |
Austin Reitenga | An Examination of Board Diversity: Do Multiple-Female Boards Break the Glass Ceiling and Appropriately Set Compensation? | Using the BoardEx data set, we find that firms with multiple women on the board are substantially more likely to have a female CEO relative to boards with zero or one female(s). We next examine the effect of board/compensation committee gender diversity on the appropriateness of compensation (unexpected compensation / expected compensation) and find evidence that female membership results in more appropriate levels of compensation. Finally, for both male and female CEOs we will examine the relationship between the appropriateness of pay and future performance, and whether that relationship is affected by board/compensation committee gender diversity. |
Paul Pecorino | Final Offer Arbitration: Theory and Laboratory Experiments | Under Final Offer Arbitration (FOA) the parties to a dispute submit proposals to an arbitrator. If they fail to reach a settlement on their own, the arbitrator must choose one of the two submitted proposals. FOA is used in major league baseball, in public sector contract disputes and in business to business pricing for industries where market power is a concern. This includes telecommunications and Canadian railroads. I will summarize some recent theoretical and experimental work I have undertaken. This work analyzes the role of asymmetric information, voluntary information disclosures and a discovery procedure as applied to FOA. |
Daniel Bachrach | On the Folly of Hoping for Collaboration and Teamwork in STEM Education but Not Rewarding It | There is growing recognition of the importance of STEM education. A great deal of research has focused on drivers of STEM outcomes. Among these factors are collaboration and teamwork (C&T). To deepen understanding of factors relating to effective C&T in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE), I surveyed all of the members of the Geonomics Education Partnership (GEP). Results from this survey indicated that although instructors: 1) valued C&T, and 2) encouraged C&T, 3) They did not systematically reward C&T in their classes. My fall-targeted NSF proposal integrates management theory and research to develop an intervention to increase STEM C&T. |
November 22, 2019 | ||
Presenter | Title | Abstract |
Kris Hoang & Marcus Doxey | Best Practices Surrounding Critical Audit Matter Selection: A Field Study During a Time of Transition | The US Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved requirements for auditors to report on critical audit matters (CAMs). Beginning in 2020, auditors will publicly disclose CAMs to readers of financial statements, revealing information about judgments made during the audit. We conduct a field study of auditors as they navigate conflicts in implementing these new requirements. Novel and fundamental auditor judgments about CAMs (e.g., What is not a CAM? What functions do CAMs serve?) will involve creating new meanings and knowledge. Our study is a necessary and urgent first step towards a shared understanding of how to report CAMs effectively. |
Clay Voorhees & Peter Harms | Meta-Analytic Investigation into the Effects of Salesperson Traits on Performance and Counter Productive Work Behaviors | Salespeople are critical boundary spanners who are directly responsible for growing revenue and, ultimately, the success of their firms. Given the importance of salespeople to organizational success, firms invest nearly $800 billion annually to incentivize the salesforce and an additional $15 billion to train salespeople once they are hired (Zoltners, Sinha, & Lorimer 2008; Sunder, Kumar, Goreczny, and Maurer 2017). Given the high cost of training and motivating salespeople, a priority among sales managers has been to identify individuals who are wired to be successful in sales regardless of incentive schemes and training. Specifically, practitioners and academics have conducted repeated studies to examine the traits that make salespeople effective. These investigations have ranged from classic examinations of the “Big Five” personality traits (Vinchur, Schippmann, Switzer, & Roth, 1998) as well as more sales-specific traits such as customer and sales orientation (Franke & Park, 2006).
These studies have provided initial insight into the relative impact of salesperson traits on performance and key mediators (e.g., working hard and working smart), but gaps in our understanding remain that we address by conducting a meta-analysis. First, most of these investigations examine one or two traits in isolation, so while they provided initial evidence of a relationship between traits and performance, they stop short of providing a comprehensive assessment of how traits can work in parallel to predict sales performance. Second, most of the existing literature relating personality with sales performance doesn’t examine the process that drives this relationship. Third, emerging research suggests that some salesperson traits can have conflicting results on employee performance. Specifically, salesperson competitiveness has been shown to benefit the firm through increased sales, but can also drive consumers to engage in more deviance at work (Jelinek & Ahearne 2010). To address these gaps, we conduct a meta-analysis to better understand the effects and processes that link salesperson traits with sales performance and organizational deviance. Doing so, will provide a more holistic understanding of the relative roles that different traits can play in driving performance in a sales organization. In particular, by combining research across samples, we negate the influence of sample-specific results, assess the relative contribution of various personality traits in order to inform selection and training goals, and test potential moderators of these effects (e.g. industry or cultural effects) that would not be testable in single studies. |
Gregory Givens | TBD | TBD |