The Culverhouse College of Business maintains two speaker series devoted to encouraging interdisciplinary efforts to deal with complex research problems.

Intra-Campus Collaboration Series

The college will host talks by colleagues from one or two other University of Alabama colleges each semester that are intended to:

  • Expose Culverhouse faculty members to research that is being executed by our colleagues across campus
  • Expose our colleagues across campus to research that is being executed by Culverhouse faculty members
  • Facilitate Culverhouse Faculty members’ engagement in interdisciplinary research with our colleagues across campus

Inter-Campus Collaboration Series

The college will host talks by two high-profile colleagues from other universities each semester. Speakers invited to the Culverhouse College of Business should have broad appeal and be able (in addition to giving an outstanding public talk) to provide our faculty with ideas/motivation/inspiration with regard to cross-disciplinary research (or would perhaps consider engaging in such research with members of our faculty).

We can bring in two speakers per semester who are not coming to campus for job interviews, and we will rotate among the disciplines in the following manner:

  • Odd Numbered Academic Years (i.e., 2019-2020, 2021-2022, etc.)
    • Fall Semester – Management Information Systems, Management
    • Spring Semester – Finance, Statistics
  • Even Numbered Academic Years (i.e., 2020-2021, 2022-2023, etc.)
    • Fall Semester – Economics, Operations Management
    • Spring Semester – Marketing, Accounting